Treasury Department


We are all stewards. We are responsible for looking after our families, friends and the world we live in.

The work that we do is to support people and groups to move forward to provide service to others.  To do this, finance is a key role.  The Treasury department acts as the steward for money given to the church.  Examples of money usage can include towards ministry, evangelism, events, providing living essentials for those in need, and the church building.

The Treasury department arranges the review of finances to ensure the church is sustainable, and can support any plans and strategies.  We process and arrange for tithes, and offerings to be given to the conference. We also arrange local church finances and given periodic financial reports to the local church board.

Treasury Team
Michael Hopewell
Racquel Abacan

Financial Requests

Financial requests, such as expenses need to be tracked to support any future audits, and approved.

Any request for funds, needs to be approved before items can be purchased or reimbursed.  

To do this, a request form needs to be completed.  Treasury team will receive the request, then seek an independent church board member for approval.

Receipts need to be sent as proof of your purchase. Receipts should be submitted using the financial request form where possible.  If not possible to use the form, receipts can be sent to the Treasurer by other means (such as email or Whatsapp).

Mandatory fields marked with asterisk (*)

Submit A Financial Request

    Do not forget to upload receipts